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Are You Planning a Summer Internship?
Will your internship be a PAID position?
The OSMA Foundation Summer Scholars program might be a good fit for you.
Most medical students between year one and two engage in short-term summer opportunities for medical career development. Some students choose research projects while others choose from clinical opportunities available at the medical school, area hospitals, or community health programs. Many, but not all of the internships are paid.
OSMA recognizes the financial challenges medical students face for education, and we're here to help remove barriers that might prevent you from pursuing a summer experience! And that is why the OSMA Foundation has created the Summer Scholars program—to award four Ohio medical students a $2,500 stipend to help fill the financial gap of an unpaid internship.
Applications for the Summer Scholars stipends are accepted through March 3, 2023.
PLEASE NOTE: Summer Scholars is a “scholarship” program, not an internship program. Please reach out to your Medical School administrative offices for information specific to internships at your medical school or in the Community it resides.

For more information, contact: Jacque Daley-Perrin Executive Director of the OSMA Foundation jdaleyperrin@osma.org