This month, OSMA testified regarding the state budget bill, House Bill 96. On March 5, OSMA VP of Advocacy, Monica Hueckel, gave in-person testimony for OSMA at the Statehouse during a hearing in the House Health Committee. Our primary focus in this testimony was access to care and the need for additional funding for medical residency slots in Ohio. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording of OSMA’s testimony, or read the written version here >
These advocacy efforts were a part of a recent push by OSMA, in which we are advocating for a budget amendment that provides additional funding for graduate medical education. Specifically, the OSMA Advocacy team is asking for an additional $10 million to be included in the budget legislation in order to fund residency slots in family medicine and psychiatry, which are areas of great need for the state.
Last week, OSMA partnered with the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) and the Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association (OPPA) to ask members of the House Finance Committee to consider support for this amendment. Read our coalition's statement to House Finance Committee members here >
Our coalition hopes to see the residency funding amendment officially added to the next iteration of the budget bill and will keep members informed on new developments in the budget process in the coming weeks!
Contributions to the OSMAPAC from physicians like you empower our advocacy agenda, fuel day-to-day OSMA advocacy efforts on your behalf, and help us elect legislators who are committed to improving healthcare in Ohio. Help us reach our funding goals for 2025!
or text OSMAPAC to 41444.