OSMA Needs Your Help—New Prior Authorization Legislation to Be Introduced
As a reminder, for more than a year, your OSMA advocacy team has been preparing to embark on a major legislative initiative dealing with continued hassles that Ohio physicians and their practices are facing due to prior authorization. The goal of this legislation, which will be sponsored by Rep. Kevin Miller (R-Newark), is to create a “gold card” system for prior authorization, giving physicians a way to “earn” their way out of prior authorization requirements by demonstrating a high prior authorization success rate. Similar legislation was recently passed and enacted in the state of Texas.
Now, the prior authorization “gold card” legislation is about to be introduced in the Ohio Legislature, and we need your help! We’re building a coalition – and what OSMA needs are physicians - and in particular, practice managers - who are willing and able to offer their expertise, first-hand perspective, and knowledge to the effort!
There are two major ways you can help:
- Join our team to fight for prior authorization reform in Ohio.
You can contribute by volunteering to be involved in this initiative directly—for example, by participating in interested party (IP) meetings, giving testimony in Statehouse hearings, or simply being a resource for the OSMA advocacy team for questions and other details regarding the prior authorization process.
- Send us your practice’s logo.
Additionally, we need practice logos to add to letters of support for this bill during the legislative process. We can send a powerful message of support by demonstrating that many practices across the state believe prior authorization needs to be made more efficient and less burdensome for physicians, practice staff, and patients. If you’d like to give OSMA permission to include your practice logo on materials and letters about the bill sent to elected officials (alongside OSMA’s logo and logos of other supporting organizations), please email an image file of your practice’s logo to Kelsey Stone at kstone@osma.org.
Please let us know soon if you’re interested
in helping OSMA with the prior authorization
“gold card” effort!
Yes, I will help! >
Thank You for Your Support.