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Future of Medicine—Care Management Technology
OSMA continues to monitor new technology and regulations that assist with patient care management. We anticipate the new Ohio telemedicine regulations to be finalized early in 2023 and will update members when they are finalized.
Additionally, we are working with vendors to highlight different technologies available to practices and patients. This month we are highlighting DrFirst, a healthcare technology solutions company, that offers iPrescribe as a mobile app for managing prescriptions for healthcare professionals and patients.
OSMA members can now get a 20% promotion through the holiday season by using the promo code OSMA.
The holiday season is in full swing and with it comes a rise in stress for people as they travel the country to spend time with their families.
According to a survey of more than 1,000 consumers released Tuesday by iPrescribe, just over one-third of Americans said they’ve taken anti-anxiety medications to manage family stress during the holiday season. DrFirst, a healthcare technology solutions company, runs iPrescribe as a mobile app for managing prescriptions for healthcare professionals and patients.
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