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IMG Member Spotlight with Mohammed M. A. Hakim, MD
Spotlight on International Medical Graduate (IMG) Section Leaders!
OSMA is proud to be launching the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Section. Recognizing that physicians representing international medical schools bring a wealth of diversity and are a vital part of Ohio’s physician community.
Mohammed M. A. Hakim, MD
IMG Leadership Board • Chair
Title/practice specialty: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Years in OSMA: 3 years
Q: What is your favorite part of practicing medicine in your specialty area?
A: Being able to be take care of my patients when they are in the OR and ICUs
Q: What are some of the issues specific to International Medical Graduates?
A: Being able to provide them with a platform for connecting with each other via OSMA. Being able to have a mentor mentee system in place utilizing OSMA as a platform to aid with it.
Q: Why are you excited to be an IMG leader?
A: Being able to advocate for them on the state and national front. Having to advocate for them and providing them with a platform of networking and connecting with each other.
Q: What are some of the ways in which OSMA supports International Medical Graduates?
A: Providing them with a platform to advocate for them. Being able to provide them with information related to the state of medical society. Being able to have a Newsletter with and IMG spotlight about their journey.
If you’d like to get in touch with OSMA leadership or learn more about member opportunities, please email